Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Alhamdulillah, Allah has given me another chance to write another post.
Bridges eyh? Well before I start sharing anything which has to do with bridges. Let me first share with u somethg that I read from : "A women's heart should be so lost in God, that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her."
Wow!! So cool eyh? I wish I have such heart. But hey! What does this has anythg to do with bridges.
Well.. The bridges are part of my imagination. Just imagine!!
~there are two parts of the world. U r in 1 part. N the guys, they are at the other part. what's connecting u with the guys, enabling them to approach u.. is a bridge. The bridge is so high tht they have to climb many stairs just to get to there, then only they can cross it. get it?
Ok. so.. the topic is "Bridges". Not "Bridge". So there's got to be more.. Rite?? As we can see.. there are many ways a girl like myself can allow herself to be approached by guys, which I think u can think of urself. So.. no need to explain abt it rite? ok.. when we initiate ways to connect with those guys. We are actually putting ourself so low, tht it seems much much easier to interact with them. It's like building a bridge which doesnt require 'the climb'. Guys easily approaches us. Well, why use the high bridge when they have the low bridge up ahead of them? Interaction between u and those guys is made easy. But do u really want it this way? Without 'the climb'? They say.. it's all abt 'the climb'. But why do we need 'the climb'?
Lets repeat this again: "A women's heart should be so lost in God, that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her."
The climb is actually the effort that the man/guy puts to seek Allah. Allah The All-Mighty is so high, tht's why the bridge is high. Get it?
Ok.. So we muslimahs should put ourselves high too. We must reach Allah. We ourselves must get to the bridge and wait for our very own Muslim prince. Even if u see a nice prince approaching u.. dont go n build such low bridges. Let ur Muslim prince get to u by climbing the stairs. Why is it important again? It's all abt striving for Allah's redha. We dont want it simple because we want Allah's redha. Ok, did I say we want Allah's redha. I should correct myself. We need Allah's redha.
Allahu Allahu Allah.
sabda Rasulullah saw:
"If u only knew what I know, hence u would laugh less and cry more."
Lets us together muhasabah, reflect ourselves. for I too have to remind myself over and over again. Mistakes over mistakes. I am juz a normal person. But deep in my heart, I know how difficult this mission is. so, lets not give ok!! WAllahualam.
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