Jun 29, 2011


Kids. observe them. Many things can be learnt from them. For example. I went to this one place. A place where the young ones spend their time learning how to read the quran n memorizing it also. So.. I saw these small children. U know how their life goes? If they go to school in the evening, they spend the whole morning learning the quran. N of course, if they go to school in the morning, they spend the whole evening at tht place. Some say tht they have no life. U think its torturing them?? Well, here's my story.

I was sitting at the side observing a couple of kids. There ware a brother n a sister. Still young. (I asked the small girl and she said tht she was only 8) So.. these small kids memorized some surahs from juz amma. impressing I say! looking at the only-8-year old girl. totally not juz a pretty n adorable face. tht is somethg to be impressed of. Alhamdulillah.

U wanna know more?? these 2 kids really enjoyed their time over there. they showed joyful faces full of spirit, eager to memorize more and more. Even in the arabic language class.. they were so eager to learn. I remembered this 1 phrase introduces to me by one of my beloved fren. It goes like this. hikmatu syuyukh wa hamasatu syabab. It means: wisdom of the elders and spirit of the young people. These 2 composition makes a great missionary (pendakwah).

so.. dont look down towards kids!! they are young and pure-minded. I say there's something in them if u juz take ur time n observe. InsyaAllah. WAllahualam.


I hv this 1 fren... A beloved neighbour, I can say. she has this 1 small board where she writes some daily reminders for herself. In 1 of my regular visits to her room, I saw a statement tht she wrote. It goes somewhat like this. Redha - not a single nag/complain/grumble tht appeared in the heart. ok. so, redha is clearly a BIG thing.

let me give u an example. an incident happened. this incident may be expected or unexpected. but what's sure is, it is not what ur heart pleases. ok. so, to be some1 redha towards this incident is to accept it well. not a single to complain/nag/grumble. yea. so, got the view?

Fighting has been prescribed for you, but it is of dislike to you. And it may be that you dislike something while it is good for you; and it may be that you love something while it is bad for you. And Allah knows while you do not know. (Surah Al-Baqarah: 216)

(Kamu diwajibkan berperang, sedang peperangan itu ialah perkara yang kamu benci dan boleh jadi kamu benci kepada sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, dan boleh jadi kamu suka kepada sesuatu padahal ia buruk bagi kamu. Dan, Allah jualah Yang Mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahuinya.)

how in the world can we be some1 who is redha?? my opinion: it is important to remember tht Allah the All-Knowing knows whats best for us. Allah knows, n we dont. Juz because our heart pleases something doesnt mean tht it is good for us, for our da'wah, our life, our future and our end. no it does not. We are juz slaves of Allah with limited knowledge. There are much much much more 'ilmu which are beyond the limit. What we know is juz a tiny tiny bit of what Allah knows. WAllahualam. Allah knows what's good 4 us.

This post is kinda reminder for myself. Hope tht it is useful for u guys too. Have patience! =)

Jun 20, 2011


Waaaaahhhhh......... I miss blogging!!!!!!

To my fellow readers. Sorry 4 being away 4 such a long time. Many times I intended to write new posts but I decided tht exam comes first. Mom said tht it's my responsibility. So gotta focus n everythg...

Alrite then.. So y am I writing right now?? Yup! u guessed it!! (or u didnt... I dont know..) My 1st year exam is over. So now is my chance to share n share n share. Abt what?? well... since this is the fresh topic over here. Let me share with u abt my exam..... Not to tell u what grades tht I got, but to tell u how sweet Allah is. Alhamdulillah.

Ok, abt math. Ohh... how I love math. Hmm... so, what's up with math? Hmm... usually, I was never afraid of exams. But this time. One of my beloved seniors reminded us tht getting excellent results is not everything. Oh she's so right!! What's important is we be grateful to Allah, with whatever tht we have achieved. yeah!!

So, what happened to me?? Well, I was always aiming 4 the highest. It's quite difficult to change my point of view. But the voice inside me said. Hey Lydia! Allah is the All-knowing. Allah knows whats best 4 u.. He knows, n u lydia.. u dont! ok then... my mind started analyzing.. hmm... what if getting a not so excellent result is what's best for me. Can I take tht grade and be grateful when my mind was always set for the highest?? Hmm... can? cannot? can?? cannot??

anw, what I was thinking before the math exam was.. can I handle excellence without riak or ujub? Oh my!! this is dangerous...... I should never ever ever let myself in shirik. So the not scary at all exam. became... yeah, u guessed it eyh?? scary~

Allah was so sweet... Aaawwwww.... let me tell u the story!! The math exam was WOW!!!!! One word. Difficult. Yes it was. No kidding. In 1 question, I got a weird answer. In another, I didnt know the formula. And another question, the idea juz didnt seem to be right. hmm... So what did I do?? I sat there 4 a long time. waiting for the ideas to come.. No ideas?? nope!!

I gathered my courage to get in front of the lecturer, n gave her my masterpiece! I was ready to get a not-so-excellent result. But.... Allah's help came in many ways. The lecturer gave a 'plus' on my weird answer,gave ma a formula tu continue with my solution and gave me a chance to correct my didnt-seem-to-be-right answers. I was given another chance!!!!!!!

Ok2.. y was I given a chance??? Well, I say there's juz 1 answer to tht. Allah has helped me. Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin. in what way is this sweet?? It is sweet because I cn feel tht I got excellent marks not because I am smart, or because of luck. But because of Allah. N tht's how I want to succeed. Not with shirik (riak, ujub). But with Allah by my side. InsyaAllah. I loved the way Allah tested me. Allah gave me such difficulties tht made me feel tht the success was not from me. But from Allah the All-knowing.

R u wondering what I get for other subjects??? Well.. let me tell u abt physics. Physics. So many topics!!!!!!!!!!! I didnt manage to finish with my reading. but when the time came, it is juz it. no delays eyh? hmm.. I was quite afraid. But I know for sure. What's important is to sit for the exam lillahitaala. ikhlas. results was not important. so I went into the battle field. I prepared for the oral exam. when it was time, I moved towards the lecturer.. n sat beside her. then she started questioning. 1st question!! I went blank. 2nd... still thinking abt 1st question, but i tried to answer. n I got it right.. and the exam moved on................. Results?? Not excellent. nope. but.... That's whats best for me!! Alhamdulillah. If tht's what You wanna give me Allah. then thats what I hv to be grateful of. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Thank u Allah!

May all of us take note that whats important is for this battle to be LILLAHITAALA so tht it counts as our jihad. wAllahualam. insyaAllah. amiin.