Jan 12, 2011

Come on young Muslims!!

A Child’s Prayer Lyrics

I sometimes lie awake at night
And wonder at the stars so bright
I dream about my future too
And the things that I will do
Soon the world will count on me
I’m the future they agree
People depend on me somehow
Though small and timid, I am now
So you and I my dearest friend
Must stand together till the end
For we are one by Allah’s grace
No matter what our colour or race
We must prepare ourselves today
While we journey on our life’s way
So much there is to learn and see
For true believers we must be
Yeah, yeah. Come on.
Yeah, yeah. Come on.
Go forward young Muslims, wherever you are
In the shadow of the sun or by the light of a star
Your Supreme protector is Almighty Allah
Go forward young Muslims wherever you are
Go forward young Muslims we feel your pain.
So many places, Palestine,
People are dying, mothers are crying
Bombs are falling from the sky, people asking why.
The only thing that we can do is pray to God, to help them through
But do they realize that Allah hates those who kill and despise.
I think that’s no surprise. We must rise up.
Come on young Muslims, gotta rise up.
Come on young Muslims.
Together we must stand in the Masjid to pray,
Pray for a better day, a better way
To make this world a better place.
Cause lets face it, it’s out of control.
We need to grab hold of each other
unite as one Ummah.
Like back in the days of the
Companions of the Prophet
Some were young, they were strong and they
loved each other
Brothers and sisters and they could
die for one another.
Yeah. Yeah.
So stand up young Muslims.
Say it out loud, it’s time to be counted.
Right here, right now.
Yeah, right here. Come on, right now.
O Allah we love you so
Give us health and make us grow
Be with us each passing day
While we journey on life’s way

*so adorable!!!!

Jan 11, 2011

A traveler eyh??

Ibn `Umar relates that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) placed his hand on his shoulder and said: “Be in the world as if you are a stranger or a wayfarer (musafir).”

Thereafter, Ibn `Umar used to say: “When the night comes, do not wait for the day, and when the day comes, do not wait for the night. Take from your health for your sickness, and take from your life for your death.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (7/170)]

I rmb this hadis. We learned it in school(SPM) if I'm not mistaken. but then, back in school I didnt quite undrstand what this hadis meant. musafir is a traveler right. so we're like travelers eyh?? then I asked, y?? I kept on reading the textbook. The answer tht was found wasnt clear......

Now tht I'm in Saint Petersburg, Russia, I kinda realised what it really means. But 1st let me tell u a bit abt my life here in russia. hmm... I'm not living in luxury. nope. not exactly. But I'm not starving to death either. what I can say is alhamdulillah. I hv enough, I'm living in comfort with friendly neighbours n I'm happy with tht. But wait. Look at the Russians!! Wow... Cool car!! nice house!! Beautiful outfit!! N they've got many frenz 2!!
If I'm in their position, yea.... Maybe I would like those things. But hey! I'm not gonna be here forever.. Y buy a car when I'm leaving off in a couple of years? U get what I mean??

So, now tht I know how a traveler is. I kinda get the idea. We're on planet Earth. N we're not here forever. Like I said "The end is near". Our final abode -> the hereafter. yup! So, rather than getting attached to everythg in this world, I should be gathering all kinds of supplies for my next journey.

And take a provision (with you) for the journey, but the best provision is At-Taqwa (piety, righteousness, etc.) (Surah Al Baqarah: ayat 197)

Not juz tht! Lets look it in a diff perspective. U know how I feel here in St Pete? I miss my family, my relatives, my frenz, my country, my home, etc. yea, of course! N we Muslims must believe tht we come from Allah n to Allah we will be brought back. Who should we be longing 4?? Allah. We're not those travelers who doesnt know where we would end up. No! It's stated in the quran. Back to the hereafter.

Every soul shall have a taste of death: in the end to Us shall ye be brought back. (Surah Al Ankabut: ayat 57)

I say we're lucky! VERY lucky. We can prepare ourselves well. We know what's ahead of us. Allah gave us the quran. A guidance indeed. Alhamdulillah.

Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny? (Surah Ar Rahman)

I discussed this matter with a gud fren of mine. She said, we've gotta grab this chance!! Grab some knowledge, do righteous deeds! We're not here for long. Yea, she's right.

Now there's another opinion. Read this.

“Islam began strange, and it will become strange again just like it was at the beginning, so blessed are the strangers.” [Sahîh Muslim (1/131)]

Being a foreigner, I'm kinda like a stranger to the Russians. иностранец (i-no-stra-ni-yets) = foreigner/alien. Alien?? yea.. we are in a way called aliens by the russians. haha.. y? coz we r the minority. U know when we 1st met sum1, we wanna give tht person a gud impression of ourselves? so, yea... as strangers tht's what we're doing. Trying 2 show them tht we're diff but we're not as strange n weird as they think. My point is.. as a traveler, in this world we gotta always be like tht. Not 2 show off.. but to maintain or respect towards others. Treat our frenz as if we had juz known them. say gud things, smile, etc.. (Reminder 2 myself!)


I guess tht's all 4 tonight. This is the end of this post. Last but not least. Dont know if any1 notices, my blog was edited. haha.. Many thanks 2 Mr Baim. Didt know tht he's a great editor! haha.. Thank you my dear fren. Salam.

Jan 7, 2011

Mengapa al-Ma’thurat Memenuhi Selera Rohani Saya

This was taken from another blog (not my writing!!): http://abidfana.com/2010/01/14/mengapa-al-mathurat-memenuhi-selera-rohani-saya/

anw, read it up!! =)

Sebagai pendokong usaha menegakkan Islam sebagai deen yang memerintah, kita tidak boleh melupakan tanggungjawab untuk berzikir mengingati Allah SWT sebanyak-banyaknya. Antara kesilapan pendokong gerakan Islam ialah terlalu sibuk dengan urusan sesama manusia dan mad’u, sehingga terabai kualiti hubungan dengan Allah. Tidak pula dinafikan yang kesibukan berdakwah sesama manusia juga adalah sebahagian daripada zikrullah, akan tetapi nilailah sejauh mana kita memperuntukkan masa dan fokus diri untuk berkhalwat, bersendirian bersama Allah SWT.

Sebagai antara pengasas kepada gerakan Islam pasca kejatuhan khilafah, al-Imam al-Syahid Hasan al-Banna amat menitik beratkan amalan berzikir di kalangan ahli al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun. Apatah lagi dengan latar belakang beliau semasa zaman kanak-kanak, beliau pernah membesar di dalam suasana bertariqat. Semasa di Mesir, saya agak beruntung kerana rumah pertama saya di Syari’ Mawazin, Damanhour, letaknya hanya 5 minit berjalan kaki dengan Masjid al-Jamie’ al-Hisofi, tempat Imam al-Banna ditarbiah rohaninya menerusi tariqat Shazuliyyah Hisofiyyah. Walaupun saya secara peribadi kurang selesa dengan cara tariqat itu sekarang, apa yang pasti pengalaman Imam Hasan al-Banna di zaman kanak-kanaknya amat banyak mempengaruhi cara hidup beliau sehingga dianugerahkan syahid.

Beliau telah memperkenalkan wirid zikir al-Ma’thurat kepada umat Islam dan khususnya kepada pendokong gerakan Islam sebagai makanan rohani penguat jiwa mereka. Semasa mencadangkan al-Ma’thurat, al-Banna telah memberikan pesanan terhadap beberapa perkara penting di sebalik al-Ma’thurat:

1. Zikir mengingati Allah sebenarnya perlu dilakukan pada setiap ketika, termasuklah di dalam perkara yang biasanya dianggap sebagai perkara duniawi. Seni mengaitkan amalan dunia yang dilihat tiada kaitan dengan ritual keagamaan, dengan mengingati Allah, adalah suatu seni yang perlu digilap oleh pendokong Islam.

2. Beliau juga memperingatkan kepada ahli Ikhwan mengenai fadhilat zikir. Yang paling utama menurut beliau, ialah dengan mengingati Allah, Allah akan mengingati kita, seterusnya membawa kepada nusrah dan ketenangan di dalam menggalas amanah dakwah.

3. Adab berzikir turut ditekankan oleh beliau. Adab paling penting ialah menghadirkan kemanisan hati semasa berzikir, dengan memberikan fokus dan memikir falsafah pengertian zikir yang dilafaz lisan. Beliau turut menyatakan keutamaan merendahkan suara di dalam berzikir, dan juga menjaga kebersihan pakaian serta tempat ketika berzikir.

4. Di dalam masa yang sama, beliau turut menggalakkan ahli Ikhwan supaya membaca al-Ma’thurat secara berjemaah atau beramai-ramai, dengan syarat tidak menganggu orang lain yang sedang bersembahyang atau mengerjakan urusan yang lain. Semasa di Mesir, selalu juga saya menghadiri majlis zikir al-Ma’thurat anjuran Ikhwan di beberapa surau perkumpulan mereka. Akan tetapi sekiranya ada rakan mereka yang lewat masuk ke surau kemudian menunaikan solat, mereka secara automatik akan merendahkan suara. Menurut al-Banna, kelebihan berzikir secara berkumpulan ini disentuh di dalam sepotong hadith riwayat Muslim:

لا يقعد قوم يذكرون الله عز وجل إلا حفتهم الملائكة وغشيتهم الرحمة ، ونزلت عليهم السكينة ، وذكرهم الله فيمن عنده

Tidaklah duduk sesuatu kaum itu (berkumpul) berzikir mengingati Allah Azza wa Jall, melainkan dinaungi mereka dengan malaikat, dilimpahi dengan rahmah, dianugerahkan ketenangan dan Allah mengingati mereka terhadap apa yang di sisi mereka.

Ada beberapa perkara yang barangkali ingin saya tambah di sini berkaitan dengan isu zikir dan al-Ma’thurat.

1. Setiap manusia mempunyai selera yang berbeza, baik selera fizikal seperti makan minum berpakaian, mahu pun selera rohani. Ada sesetengah orang, rohaninya lebih berselera dengan banyak menunaikan solat sunat. Ada setengah orang dengan banyak berzikir. Ada sesetengah orang suka berzikir dengan ayat al-Quran. Sesetengah yang lain berzikir dengan wirid-wirid yang diajar oleh nabi, sahabat, atau oleh tok guru mereka. Justeru, carilah selera rohani kita. Secara peribadi, selera rohani saya ialah al-Ma’thurat, dan saya akan didik anak-anak dan keluarga saya mempunyai selera rohani yang sama. Firman Allah di dalam Surah al-Isra’ ayat 84:

قُلْ كُلٌّ يَعْمَلُ عَلَىٰ شَاكِلَتِهِ فَرَبُّكُمْ أَعْلَمُ بِمَنْ هُوَ أَهْدَىٰ سَبِيلاً

Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad) setiap orang beramal mengikut pembawaan jiwanya sendiri. Maka Tuhan lebih mengetahui siapakah yang lebih betul jalannya.

2. Kenapa al-Ma’thurat? Jawapan mudah dan ringkasnya ialah kerana al-Ma’thurat menghimpunkan wirid di dalam al-Quran dan juga di dalam hadith sohih semata-mata. Maksudnya, al-Ma’thurat ialah himpunan doa ma’thur yang diajar oleh Allah dan Nabi. Ayat al-Quran, walaupun kita membacanya tanpa mengetahui maknanya, akan terus mendapat pahala.

3. Bagaimana pula dengan wirid atau hizib atau segala juga istilah zikir yang diajar oleh tok-tok guru tertentu selepas kewafatan nabi? Bagi saya tiada masalah untuk mempunyai disiplin amalan yang dicadangkan oleh tok-tok guru tertentu, dengan syarat ialah tidak bercangah dengan syara’, tidak mempunyai elemen syirik, mempunyai makna yang baik serta pengamalnya faham falsafah pengertian zikir tersebut. Akan tetapi sekiranya dibandingkan antara zikir yang diajar oleh Allah dan Rasulnya, berbanding zikir yang diajar oleh manusia lain, sudah tentu menjadi keutamaan kita mengikuti zikir anjuran Allah dan Rasul. Dan inilah kelebihan al-Ma’thurat.

Allahua’lam bissowab.

Jan 1, 2011

May the force be with u???

Nope. Not abt Star Wars or anythg associated to it. Haha.. So, wat is this all abt eyh lydia? hmm... U know the situation when some1 forces u 2 do sumthg. for example, ur mom asking u 2 eat up sumthg u really dont like or some frenz asking u 2 do some cleaning up or anythg... its normal rite? But my fellow friends, what is the best way to deal with this situation. Esp when there r no choices in life? I mean, u gotta do it out of resposibility n everythg. yeah. How do we face these situations?

If tht sum1 is ur mum, u shouldnt say no, rite? (a reminder to Lydia Azmi). Its an obligation (kwajipan). What if tht sum1 is not ur mom, or ur dad, or any1 tht u hv to never say no to. ur frenz for exmple..

U know what guys... When u remove one's burden (or do sumthg tht makes he/her happy), Allah will remove ur burden. When u help sum1, Allah will help u back. WAllahualam. yeah. actually, helping ur frenz, tht's an ibadat. It sure is insyaAllah. So put a gud niat with it. Innamal a'mal bi al-niat. When the niat is there.. wow! Its sumthg alrite!! But without the niat... It's not much.

My point is???? Life is a choice. U think u were left with no choices eyh? u gotta do what u gotta do. tht's responsibility maam! If ur irresponsible, u wouldnt care much abt this n always do as u wish. So alhamdulillah, resposibility?? put a tick on it!! =) A gud news eyh?

Hmm.. I'm not done yet! y dont u put it this way.. Life is a choice. It actually is. Ur choices 1) Not to do what u were supposed 2 do (out of irresponsibility) 2) do it with a heavy heart, grumpy face, angry tone etc.. unhappily n unproperly (not doing it to ur best) 3) to put on niat lillahitaala. not complaining n try to make the best out of it. It is for Allah's redha right? So.... It is never a waste of time, energy etc.. coz though u dislike it, it is not for u. eh. It is for u!! Coz when u get Allah's redha... paradise awaits. InsyaAllah. AllahummaAmiinX3

Be spirited. This a big chance for u. They say, the more u dislike it, when u do it ikhlas, the more u will be blessed. Wallahualam. May this be a reminder for all of us. Amiin. =)