Nov 21, 2009

We are Muslims! We are Mu'mins! Insyaallah.

Surah al-Anfal: ayat 27
"O you who believe! Betray not the trust of Allah and the Messenger, nor misappropriate knowingly things entrusted to you."
My fellow Muslims, Allah gave us responsibilities n we MUST fulfill them. Do what we're told to do, leave what we're told to leave. Have a look at this ayat:
Surah al-Hajj: ayat 77-78
"77. O you who believe! Bow down (ruku'), prostrate yourself (sujud), and adore your Lord; and do good; that you may prosper. 78. And strive in His cause as you ought to strive, (with sincerity-ikhlas and under discipline). He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you Muslims, both before in this (Revelation); that the Messenger may be a witness for you, and you be witnesses for mankind! so establish regular Prayer, give Zakat (poor-due), and hold a fast to Allah! He is your Protector-the Best to protect and the Best to help!"
Now, I'll summarize according to my undstnding..
Allah has chosen us. yup! we're the chosen ones!! n Allah does not burden us or give us difficulties in this religion (Islam). Allah named us Muslims. Rasulullah (pbuh) witnesses us, told us the guidelines in Islam, explained them to us. N in turn, we must do the same to mankind (da'wah). Look my friends at how Allah n Rasulullah (pbuh) trust us n entrusted us with responsibilities! We should be eternally grateful! So, let us not give up k? Rmb, we don't want to be a kafir, do we? Absolutely not!!
What we must do:
1. Ruku' n sujud (solat) (mentioned twice!)
2. Adore Allah (hv tauhid!)
3. Do good
4. Really2 strive (jihad) in Allah's cause (ikhlas because of Allah)
5. Da'wah
6. Give zakat
7. Hold a fast to Allah (hold on tight to Allah n Islam)
N look at the last part of the ayat.. Allah-the Best to protect, the Best to help! So, stop worrying unnecessarily, Allah is always there when you fight for Allah, for Islam, when u truely act like a Muslim/Muslimah. So, pray n ask for Allah's protection, for Allah's help!
The Result: Prosper here n hereafter. It's in the ayat, really.. believe it my friends!!
Many people nowadays know what are wrong doings, what r good doings n what r doings which are obligatory (wajib). Know but dont applicate. Yup. That's the problem! Responsibility my friends, responsibility. We MUST perform our duties as Muslims n Muslimahs. It is our duties, our responsibilities entrusted to us. We must not neglect these duties n do as we wish here on Earth. Rmb, we are slaves of Allah living on Allah's earth, breathing on Allah's air. Be shukr my friends, be shukr. Let us together work hard to be great mu'mins, insyaallah. Amiin.

Busy eyh??

How hv u helped Islam??

Nov 10, 2009

Strength Over Passion

Teenagers. What is always associated with teenagers? Love? Hmm..
I've written abt my opinion on coupling but it ain't that easy to end this fantasy eyh?
Hmm.. We have to possess a strength eyh? N not juz any strength, I'm talking abt Iman here, my friends, Iman (Faith). Don't wait for this strength to come to u, my friends because u urself must build this strength!

"...Surely never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls). ..." (Surah Ar-Ra'd: ayat 11)

My friends, I know it feels hard to stop coupling, stop giving ur love to him, stop contacting him all the time.. But take a look at this:

"Fighting is prescribed for you, and you dislike it. But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not." (Surah Al-Baqarah: ayat 216)

Be strong my friends. It is not impossible to change. Rmb, Allah give us tasks according to our abilities. Believe it! Dont give up k? Rmb this?

"O my sons! Go and enquire about Joseph and his brother, and never give up hope of Allah's soothing Mercy: truly no one despairs of Allah's soothing Mercy, except those who have no faith." (Surah Yusuf: ayat 87)

No, we cant give up can we? Coz we have to be faithful people (people with Iman: Mu'min, I mean). Yup. That's what's special abt Mu'mins, they believe in Allah's promises. Hence, they dont give up. Can we be like them? Yes, of coz!!

My friend once said, passion (nafsu), must not be followed, must not be ignored, but it must be taught!! (Sry if it's not exactly what u said, fren. My translation aint perfect!! haha..) So my main point is...

Have Strength Over Passion!!

PS: Don't forget to pray n do'a. Ask for Allah's help!

"You (Allah) do we worship and Your (Allah's) aid we seek" (Surah Al-Fatihah: ayat 5)

Wallahu'alam. (It's kinda short, right? Well, that's all I can give for now.. Until next time!)

Nov 6, 2009

A Short Tazkirah That I've Found.

Usah Buka Aib Sesama Muslim, Kelak Allah tutup aibnya di akhiratDALAM satu hadis Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya: “Sesiapa yang menutup keaiban saudaranya sesama Muslim, kelak Allah akan tutup aibnya di akhirat.”
Cuba kita sama-sama teliti satu kisah di zaman Nabi Musa a.s. Pada suatu ketika Bani Israel ditimpa musim kemarau yang berpanjangan. Mereka berkumpul dan datang menemui nabi.
Mereka berkata: “Ya Kaliimallah! Berdoalah kepada Tuhanmu agar Dia menurunkan hujan kepada kami.”
Berangkatlah Nabi Musa bersama kaumnya menuju ke padang pasir yang luas. Dengan jumlah yang ramai itu mereka berdoa dalam keadaan lusuh dan penuh debu, haus serta lapar.
Nabi Musa berdoa: “Ilaahi! Asqinaa ghaitsak…wansyur ‘alaina rahmatak…”
Selepas itu langit tetap saja terang benderang, matahari pun bersinar makin berkilauan. Maknanya segumpal awan pun tidak muncul jua.
Kemudian Nabi Musa berdoa lagi: “Ilaahi…asqinaa…”
Allah pun berfirman kepada Nabi Musa, maksudnya: “Bagaimana Aku akan menurunkan hujan kepada kalian sedangkan di antara kalian ada seorang hamba di kalangan yang hadir berdoa bermaksiat sejak 40 tahun lalu. Umumkanlah di hadapan manusia agar dia berdiri di hadapan kalian semua. Kerana dialah Aku tidak menurunkan hujan untuk kalian…”
Lalu Nabi Musa pun berteriak di tengah-tengah kaumnya: “Wahai hamba yang bermaksiat kepada Allah sejak 40 tahun…keluarlah ke hadapan kami…kerana engkaulah hujan tidak turun…”
Seorang lelaki melirik ke kanan dan kiri. Tidak seorang pun yang keluar di hadapan manusia. Saat itu pula dia sedar kalau dirinyalah yang dimaksud.
Dia berkata dalam hatinya: “Kalau aku keluar ke hadapan manusia, maka akan terbuka rahasiaku. Kalau aku tidak berterus terang, maka hujan pun tidak akan turun.”
Hatinya pun gundah gulana. Air matanya pun menetes, menyesali perbuatan maksiatnya, sambil berkata di dalam hati: “Ya Allah! Aku sudah bermaksiat kepada-Mu selama 40 tahun. Selama itu pula Engkau menutupi aibku. Sungguh sekarang aku bertaubat kepada-Mu, maka terimalah taubatku.”Tidak lama selepas pengakuan taubatnya itu, awan-awan tebal pun muncul. Semakin lama semakin tebal menghitam dan akhirnya turunlah hujan.
Nabi Musa kehairanan. “Ya Allah, Engkau sudah turunkan hujan kepada kami, namun tidak seorang pun yang keluar di hadapan manusia.”
Allah berfirman, maksudnya: “Aku menurunkan hujan kepada kalian oleh sebab hamba yang kerananya hujan tidak kunjung turun.”
Nabi Musa berkata: “Ya Allah! Tunjukkan padaku hamba yang taat itu.”
Allah berfirman, maksudnya: “Ya Musa, Aku tidak membuka aibnya padahal dia bermaksiat kepada-Ku. Apakah Aku membuka aibnya sedangkan dia taat kepada-Ku!”Semoga cerita ini menjadikan kita hamba yang tidak menghina dan mengaibkan kesalahan yang dilakukan seseorang.
Bukan itu sahaja, kita juga dilarang mendedahkan keaiban sendiri. Tetapi hal ini sering terjadi dalam dunia yang hangat dengan menceritakan kisah dosa peribadi, kadang-kadang menjadi pelaris dan menghangatkan lagi buku dan siaran televisyen.

This is What I Call Unity. Precisely!!!

During Exam..

During exam, when u feel hopeless, n all u wanna do is just give up.. Dont!!!! Perhaps these would help..

” Wahai anak-anakku! Pergilah dan intiplah khabar berita mengenai Yusuf dan saudaranya, Dan janganlah kamu putus asa dari rahmat serta pertolongan Allah. Sesungguhnya tidak berputus asa dari Rahmat dan pertolongan Allah itu melainkan kaum yang kafir”.
"O my sons! Go you and enquire about Joseph and his brother, and never give up hope of Allah's Soothing Mercy, except those who have faith."(surah Yusuf: ayat 87)

Don't give up, my friends. You r never alone. Juz look into ur heart n Allah's right there beside u. Imagine what Rasulullah pboh has been through, all he had faced during his period of da'wah. N look at how easy the tasks Allah gave us, n Allah knows we can go through em! Yup, that's true!! This is indeed a favour that Allah gave us. So, we must use all our might in dealing with these tasks.

"Maka ni'mat manakah yg kamu dustakn?"
"Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?"(repeated 31 times in surah ar Rahman)
Study3!! But dont forget to pray3 (call for Allah/doa) too!!

"Dan Tuhanmu berfirman, "Berdoalah kepadaKu, niscaya Aku perkenankan bagimu. sesungguhnya orang2 yang sombong tidak mahu menyembahKu akan masuk ke neraka Jahannam dalam keadaan hina dina""
"And your Lord says: "Call on Me, I will answer yor Prayer: but those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in Hell-in humiliation!"(surah Ghafir: ayat 60)

Believe it my friends! Coz..

"... Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyalahi janji"
"for, verily, Allah will not fail in His promise"
(surah Ar ra'd: ayat 31)

Subhanallah. Unlike us humans, Allah has power over ALL!! Allahuakbar. Allah is our creator after all! Rmb my friends, whenever we do things ikhlas (becoz of Allah), no one, not even satan could disturb us!! It all starts with our niat (our real aim/reason to do that thing). Wallahu'alam.

Oct 17, 2009

Love the Quran


No! I'm not trying 2 wake u up from ur sleep. Not exactly.. I want u 2 open ur eyes. Don't just look around u, feel your surrounding. I'm sure u still dont get my message. Its time for elaboration:

Hv u been treating every1 around u well? R hv u been caring only of urself, ur problems n everyth? Hmm.. If u put urself in other people's shoes, do u think u r ok with urself? Would u think that u are annoying, or rude, or hot-tempered, or arrogant etc.. How hv u been reacting? Muhasabah urself! What kind of person r u in the eyes of others?

Sometimes, we dont know when we hurt other people. So, it is best if we make it a habit to always thinnk of others' feelings n treat them as well as ever, also ease ourselves 2 say please, sorry n thank u. In other words, be polite. Sorry seems to be the hardest word. (Rmb these lyrics? Haha..) But I'm calling all of u 2 always apologise. Yes, uve got not much to lose, I'm sure!

Next, do nice things 2 others. Even the simplest nice thing that we can do: smile. Smile n the world will smile with u. A smile is a gift in a special way, coz u still get 2 keep it when u give it away!! U even get credits (pahala) from Allah. Though some people might not return ur smile, as long as u smiled truly because of Allah, u've got nothing to lose. I mean it, nothing!! Rmember, a smile is a sadaqah (charity)!!

Impove ourselves. That's very important. Be better n better from moment 2 moment. There's always room for improvement u know.. Humans arent perfect. No, of course we arent.
Sometimes, it is useful to find out what our enemies/people who dislike us think about us. Because they notice our wrong doings, usually.. so, musyawarah (discuss) with them n try 2 retain a better n good relationship with them. They would mostly like it when u ask 4 their opinion, nicely.. I think. But it's okay 2 ask friends who are honest n would like to help u 2 improve urself, eyh? yup! totally!!

We muslims n muslimahs represent Islam, u see. So, please do try ur best to uphold the purity of Islam, uphold the principles in Islam. It is our responsibility. Sry, I hv to make this short. Gtg.

PS: Mu'mins (Muslims with Iman) never give difficulties 2 others. (Think abt it. It somehow is connected with this topic. Somehow..)


Oct 10, 2009



Humans can barely live without hatred? True or false? That is just a hypothesis. Wallahu'alam.

Hablum minallah wa hablum minannas

(relation with Allah n relation with humans)

This is very important!! yeah.. So, hatred must be conquered!!! Or at least try ur best to conquer it.. Ok?

Now let me share with you something that my friend shared with me.. Like they say, sharing is caring!!! haha...

Ok.. the friend of mine said at the end of the day, before we go to sleep at night that we should:

1. muhasabah ourselves (think abt what we did all day n make an evaluation on ouselves, n also try to be better n better on the following days).

2. read the al-fatihah for the prophets, sahabat (friends) of the prophets, our parents, those who we love, n also THOSE WHO WE DISLIKE/HATE.

insyaallah, if we make it a habit n DO IT IKHLAS (BECAUSE OF ALLAH), everyone will like us n insyaallah, hatred will decrease from time to time.

You know what, my cousin's son, Aliff, who is only 12 years old, posted on his myspace: "Aku maafkan kawanku setiap hari" (I forgive my friend everyday). Alhamdulillah. So sweet of him eyh? Well, I think that it is very nice of him to do so. Subhanallah. If he's 12 n he can do so, I can do it too, right? N so do u!!! So let us forgive n forget other people's mistakes. Look at our own mistakes instead, ok? Then only we can improve ourselves to become better muslims n muslimahs. Insyaallah. Let's!!!

Life will be more harmonious n peaceful when there is no hatred. Insyaallah.

PS: If you ask for world peace, u urself should start creating peace. N invite others to do the same. Insyaallah, peace is not impossible.

Wallahu'alam. = )

Oct 2, 2009

Love Allah

Believe in Allah

Hmm.. U know what? We Muslims must believe in Allah, believe in Allah's promises. Yes, totally!! N which promise am I gonna write about now? U wanna know? Just read up k!

Before we were even born, Allah had ordered then angels (malaikat) to write out our partners in life aka soul mate (jodoh). N Allah promised that a good person will get a good partner. N I believe so! U should too!! Hence, there is no need to worry abt who will be our partner, worry about how good we are instead. We must try to keep on improving ourselves, right? There is also no need of coupling. Yup, coupling. It is unnecessary. Why would we want to couple up? I mean, its ok to get to know each other but dont make it as if that person is mine, n I'm his/her's. Because we are actually Allah's. Right? N if that person gives us inspiration, we actually dont need that inspiration coz u know what? Islam should be ur inspiration. N also, u know what? Whoever does something with the intention (niat) of helping Islam or doing it becoz of Allah, I tell u.. Allah will help that person, even the devils (syaitan) couldnt disturb us. Cool right? Well, I think it's cool!! Haha..

My plan:
1. Get to know, but dont go over the line.
2. Be patient, believe in Allah's promises.
3. Improve myself n be a better muslimah.
4. If any trouble comes ahead, ask for Allah's help.
(To Allah we pray n to Allah we ask for help)

Other opinions could be posted as comments or other possible ways. Wallahu'alam.

Sep 26, 2009

You Are Never Alone - Zain Bhikha
Sometimes, when the world's not on your side
You don't know where to run to
You don't know where to hide.
You gaze, at the stars in the sky
At the mountains so high
Through the tears in your eyes.
Looking for a reason,to replace what is gone.
Just remember, remember
That you are never alone.
You are never alone (you are never alone)
Just reach into your heart
And Allah is always there.
You are never alone (you are never alone)
Through sorrow and through grief
Through happiness and peace
You are never alone.
So now as you long for your past
Prepare for your future
But knowing nothings going to last
You see this life is but a road
A straight and narrow path
To our final abode
So travel well O Muslim
And Paradise will be your home
And always remember
That you are never alone.
You are never alone (you are never alone)
Just reach into your heart
And Allah is always there.
You are never alone (Allah is there)
Through sorrow and through grief
Through happiness and peace
You are never alone.
You are never alone (you are never never alone)
Just reach into your heart
And Allah is always there.
You are never alone (you are never alone)
Through sorrow and through grief
Through happiness and peace
You are never alone.

Sep 25, 2009

Kisah Rasullullah S.A.W

This is a copy n paste post. Hence, it is as original, in Malay. However, upon any requests, I could make a translation of it into English. It is about Rasulullah s.a.w. *Credits to Baim who emailed me this.. Thanks, Baim!! = )

1) Kalau ada pakaian yang koyak, Rasulullah menampalnya sendiri tanpa perlu menyuruh isterinya. Beliau juga memerah susu kambing untuk keperluan keluarga mahupun untuk dijual.

2) Setiap kali pulang ke rumah, bila dilihat tiada makanan yang sudah siap di masak untuk dimakan, sambil tersenyum baginda menyinsing lengan bajunya untuk membantu isterinya di dapur. Sayidatina'Aisyah menceritakan 'Kalau Nabi berada di rumah, beliau selalu membantu urusan rumahtangga.

3) Jika mendengar azan, beliau cepat-cepat berangkat ke masjid, dan cepat-cepat pula kembali sesudah selesai sembahyang.'

4) Pernah baginda pulang pada waktu pagi.Tentulah baginda teramat lapar waktu itu. Tetapi dilihatnya tiada apa pun yang ada untuk sarapan. Yang mentah pun tidak ada kerana Sayidatina 'Aisyah belum ke pasar. Maka Nabi bertanya, 'Belum ada sarapan ya Humaira?' (Humaira adalah panggilan mesra untuk Sayidatina 'Aisyah yang bererti 'Wahai yang kemerah-merahan' )Aisyah menjawab dengan agak serba salah, 'Belum ada apa-apa wahai Rasulullah.'Rasulullah lantas berkata, 'Jika begitu aku puasa saja hari ini.' tanpa sedikit tergambar rasa kesal di raut wajah baginda.

5) Sebaliknya baginda sangat marah tatkala melihat seorang suami sedang memukul isterinya. Rasulullah menegur, 'Mengapa engkau memukul isterimu?'Lantas soalan itu dijawab dengan agak gementar,'Isteriku sangat keras kepala! Sudah diberi nasihat dia tetap degil juga, jadi aku pukul lah dia.''Aku tidak bertanyakan alasanmu,' sahut Nabi s. a. w.' Aku menanyakan mengapa engkau memukul teman tidurmu dan ibu kepada anak-anakmu? '

6) Pernah baginda bersabda, 'sebaik-baik lelaki adalah yang paling baik,kasih dan lemah lembut terhadap isterinya.' Prihatin,sabar dan tawadhuknya baginda dalam menjadi ketua keluarga langsung tidak sedikitpun menjejaskan kedudukannya sebagai pemimpin umat.

7) Pada suatu ketika baginda menjadi imam solat. Dilihat oleh para sahabat,pergerakan baginda antara satu rukun kesatu rukun yang lain amatsukar sekali.Dan mereka mendengar bunyi menggerutup seolah-olah sendi-sendi pada tubuh baginda yang mulia itu bergeser antara satu sama lain. Sayidina Umar yang tidak tahan melihat keadaan baginda itu langsung bertanya setelah selesai bersembahyang,
'Ya Rasulullah, kami melihat seolah-olah tuan menanggung penderitaan yang amat berat, tuan sakitkah ya Rasulullah?''Tidak, ya Umar. Alhamdulillah, aku sihat dan segar.'
'Ya Rasulullah.. .mengapa setiap kali tuan menggerakkan tubuh, kami mendengar seolah-olah sendi bergeselan di tubuh tuan? Kami yakin engkau sedang sakit...' desak Umar penuh cemas.
Akhirnya Rasulullah mengangkat jubahnya. Para sahabat amat terkejut. Perut baginda yang kempis, kelihatan dililiti sehelaikain yang berisi batukerikil, buat untuk menahan rasa lapar baginda.Batu-batu kecil itulah yang menimbulkan bunyi-bunyi halus setiap kali bergeraknya tubuh baginda.
'Ya Rasulullah! Adakah bila tuan menyatakan lapar dan tidak punya makanan kami tidak akan mendapatkannya buat tuan?'Lalu baginda menjawab dengan lembut, 'Tidak para sahabatku. Aku tahu, apapun akan engkau korbankan demi Rasulmu. Tetapi apakah akan aku jawab dihadapan ALLAH nanti, apabila aku sebagai pemimpin,menjadi beban kepada umatnya?' 'Biarlah kelaparan ini sebagai hadiah ALLAH buatku, agar umatku kelak tidak ada yang kelaparan di dunia ini lebih-lebih lagi tiada yang kelaparan di Akhirat kelak.'

8) Baginda pernah tanpa rasa canggung sedikitpun makan di sebelah seorang tua yang dipenuhi kudis, miskin dan kotor.

9) Hanya diam dan bersabar bila kain rida'nya direntap dengan kasar oleh seorang Arab Badwi hingga berbekas merah dilehernya. Dan dengan penuh rasa kehambaan baginda membasuh tempat yang dikencing si Badwi di dalam masjid sebelum menegur dengan lembut perbuatan itu.

10) Kecintaannya yang tinggi terhadap ALLAH swt dan rasa kehambaan yang sudah sebati dalam diri Rasulullah saw menolaksama sekali rasa ke tuanan.

11) Seolah-olah anugerah kemuliaan dari ALLAH langsung tidak dijadikan sebab untuknya merasa lebih dari yang lain, ketika di depan ramai mahupun dalam keseorangan.

12) Pintu Syurga telah terbuka seluas-luasnyauntuk baginda, baginda masih lagi berdiri di waktu-waktu sepi malam hari,terus-menerus beribadah hinggakan pernah baginda terjatuh lantaran kakinya sudah bengkak-bengkak.

13) Fizikalnya sudah tidak mampu menanggung kemahuan jiwanya yang tinggi. Bila ditanya oleh Sayidatina 'Aisyah, 'Ya Rasulullah, bukankah engaku telah dijamin Syurga? Mengapa engkau masih bersusah payah begini?'Jawab baginda dengan lunak, 'Ya 'Aisyah, bukankah aku ini hanyalah seorang hamba? Sesungguhnya aku ingin menjadi hamba-Nya yang bersyukur.'


Be a Great Muslimah

An opinion I would like to share..

A couple of months ago, I've decided to be a much normal teenage girl as in less extreme, if u know what I mean.. But I didnt only become less extreme, I became a dont-care-girl who is so-NOT-extreme. That's the problem. It takes time to change u know, n it takes more time to change back to your usual self. These problems made me think, n think, n think... Like other teenages at my age, I'm searching for my real self, my own identity... I figured that a big part of my identity is adjustable or in other words, it can be changed according to how I want it to be. It's not difficult, really.. Not difficult at all. But the way I'm explaining it, well, it sounds complicated eyh? So, who do I want myself to be? Hmm... I want to be a good Muslimah who is casual around guys. I have to, I suppose. U see.. I cant be an extremist, I guess, since I'm most probably gonna be working around them in the future. In fact, they are currently all around me in U. It's not that difficult, I say.. As long as I'm aware of what I can n cannot do. After asking many many questions to others regarding the social rules in Islam.. I figured that there are many opinions, n I should stand for those I most believe in. That's how I decide. Anyway, Islam is never a difficulty, no, of course not, in fact, Islam makes everything smooth n easy. Think about it, will ya?

Jun 30, 2009

Ehem.. Ehemm... Testing2!!!

O_o uuuuuuuuuu.... what does this button do??? Familiar? Thats what Deedee always says in Dexter's laboratory. N maybe thats how I feel. One word, guys, one word... curious. Is blogging really that fun????

Some of my friends like to blog. So, I've been wondering whether I should blog too. Hmm.. I really like to write on paper. But usually.. after I write something, I would throw those pieces of paper away. WASTAGE!!! I know. But I need to write em to ease my mind. I NEED TO!!!!

I threw em away because I dont really need em n I don't really want people to read em.

In a blog, I see that the point of blogging is to let others read em. So, should I or should I not? Maybe or maybe not.. To get this over with, I decided to try.. You wont know till uve tried!!

In the meantime, I'm not intending to put much in my blog. As in pictures or whatever..

N so.. this is my first post. I dont wanna post anything else tonight because I dont feel like it. Tomorrow perhaps?? Hmm.. Maybe or maybe not.. Until next time!!!!